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Robotic Surgery Specialist

Boca Raton Obstetrics and Gynecology

OBGYNs & Obstetrics & Gynecology located in Boca Raton, FL

When surgery is the best treatment option for your gynecological condition, you want the easiest and least painful procedure possible. That’s where robotic surgery at Boca Raton Obstetrics and Gynecology can help. Esteemed OB/GYN Richard Conlen, MD, performs in-office hysterectomy, fibroid removal, and other procedures using the state-of-the-art da Vinci® robotic system. This surgical option offers much smaller incisions and a far faster recovery. Learn more by calling the Boca Raton, Florida, office or using the online booking tool now.

Robotic Surgery Q & A

What is robotic surgery?

Robotic surgery is a cutting-edge approach to gynecological surgery that your doctor can perform in the office. With this minimally invasive approach, your Boca Raton Obstetrics and Gynecology surgeon makes one or more tiny incisions, as opposed to the one long incision required for open surgery.

Practice providers use state-of-the-art equipment, including miniature fiber-optic light sources, tiny cameras, and very slender surgical tools to perform your procedure with minimal trauma to your skin and internal organs.

Robotic surgery requires less, and sometimes no, time in the hospital, and dramatically reduces bleeding. Recovery is usually far easier than with open surgery, with less pain, scarring, and downtime.

How does robotic surgery work?

During robotic surgery, your surgeon sits at a console where they view your pelvic organs through a live camera feed. They use advanced wristed controls to move robotic arms and hands that perform your procedure. The robot never moves except when directed by your surgeon.

Unlike human hands, the robotic arms and hands can rotate 360 degrees and remain steady, ensuring the highest level of precision possible for your surgery.

What are the different kinds of robotic surgery?

Boca Raton Obstetrics and Gynecology offers robotic surgery for a variety of reasons, including:


A hysterectomy refers to the removal of the uterus. You may need a hysterectomy if you have cancer or if you have chronic problems, such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids, that don't respond to nonsurgical treatment. A hysterectomy can also include the removal of related organs, including the ovaries, cervix, and Fallopian tubes.

Pelvic organ prolapse surgery

A pelvic organ prolapse means that pelvic organs like your uterus are falling. This can cause organs to bulge out at your vaginal opening, urinary incontinence, and sexual dysfunction. If noninvasive treatments like pelvic exercises or a pessary don't work, you might need surgery (robotic sacrocolpopexy) to restore proper organ placement.


Myomectomy is fibroid removal. You might need myomectomy if you have symptomatic fibroids and nonsurgical treatments don't work for you.

Endometriosis resection

Endometriosis occurs when you have uterine lining overgrowth. With an endometriosis resection procedure, your doctor removes all endometrial growths but leaves your organs intact.

If nonoperative care isn’t adequate for your condition, surgery could be the answer. Robotic surgery allows you to find the relief you need without the usual complications of open surgery.

Find out how robotic surgery can help you by booking your consultation at Boca Raton Obstetrics and Gynecology online or by phone now.